Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Films Festival - A day of life of a Glen Taylor School Student - Angelic apples

Angelic Apples
In Term 3, we got the chance to make our very own films.
The theme for this year’s films, “confident, connected, actively involved lifelong learners”. Our teacher, Mrs Faalili put us into groups. My group was Angelic apples. We learnt about storyboarding, different types of shots and angles as well as how to hold the ipad correctly.
Our film is a documentary  and it is about representing our awesome school and what we do in our time.

One thing I really liked about this whole filming process was making the interview with some of the homework club

1 comment:

  1. Talofa lava Angelic apples, I loved how you made your movie so real and so news like good luck on your gals film.
