Friday, 16 November 2018


Hey Today I have done my quick written a Quick write for today.

resource image
I looked above me seeing just a blue sky no clouds, I looked around seeing myself &
my brother on a wing of a airplane.
I looked below me ,seeing clouds over powering the world. It felt as if I was in heaven
Clouds white as snow. Wind swifting pass my face as we sit down on the airplane wing.
Of course we were scared but it felt amazing being somewhere peaceful.

A slap from my older brother woke me up from a Amazeballs dream.
The time was 12.34 HA Slept in for so long… Now I gotta wait for him to sleep then
I’ll slap that eggs face.

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Expectations Vs Reality

Expectation Vs Reality is our films name. In my group was Anika, Moni, Dani, Hela and Me :)
Our group name is Fantastic Fish Fingers.

This film is about how GTS students live life at school.
We enjoy playing sports and having fun.
Here is a clip for example.

I mostly enjoyed filming this because we did ultra fails & laughed a million times.

I also enjoyed my groups editing cause we have lots of embarrassing moments :))
I hope you enjoy this film we have created for you to watch . Fa’a